Dr Joseph Goebbels "Minister of Enlightenment" played a major role in German propaganda.  There were two main parts to his job; the first, being that German citizens could not read or have access to any information that could be harmful to the Nazi Party.  The other was to make sure that the views of the Nazi's were brought about in a persuasive manner, with hopes that the German citizens would believe all that they were being told.  He worked alongside SS and the Gestapo to stop those who may oppose the Nazis.  During this time Speer worked with Goebbels to produce public propaganda.  Later this year Hitler came to power. 

To produce any form of art, literature, film, editorials, music  ect...you had to be a member of the Reich Chamber (1933), which was organized and set up by Goebbels.  If you did not belong to this group, your work could not be published for society to see and if you were to break this rule sever punishment would follow.  This policy resulted in Nazi Germany introducing censorship.  This was done to assimilate almost any opposition to Nazi rule.  Nazi Germany now had complete control as to what their people believed and did not believe.  They could manipulate them to do or believe anything they said, especially relating to the war.

Goebbels (along with Speers) may be best remembered for his talents of masterminding propaganda in the arenas at Nuremberg.  For it was there that he held massive rallies to show the power of the Nazi nation.  The arena's could hold up to 400,000 people.  During these rallies Goebbels could influence hundreds of thousands people to believe in the Nazi government and all that they proclaimed.

Below are some famous quotes from Joseph Goebbels:

"The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it." Goebbels

"Propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. If the means achieves the end then the means is good.........the new Ministry has no other aim than to unite the nation behind the ideal of the national revolution."  Goebbels

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