What is Propaganda?

Propaganda is selective information that distorts the truth.  It often appeals to people through advertising by playing on irrational fantasies and impulses.  Governments often produce propaganda  to inspire and spread particular beliefs and/or opinions through things such as magazines, films, newspapers, posters,  television, radio broadcasts and speeches.



 1)Bandwagon: Bandwagon propaganda tries to persuade everyone to join and do the same thing.  This is where the expression "to jump on the bandwagon" comes from.
 These two commercials try to persuade the audience to buy the product because everyone else is using it.



 2)Loaded Words:  Loaded words propaganda uses words with strong emotional associates to persuade people.
 This poster uses symbols and heavily defined words to persuade the reader.  The threat as being seen as a terrorist is also a major scare that helps to persuade the reader. 



 3)Plain Folks:  Plain Folks propaganda persuades people by suggesting that something is practical and of good value for ordinary people.
 This commercial shows the positive effects that the product has on a regular person who is probably very similar to the audience. 



 4)Glittering Generality:  This type of propaganda uses words that express a positive meaning that make the listener or reader feel good without actually giving a guarantee.
 My fellow students, 

 if you vote for me, you will NOT be disappointed!  If I am  elected student council president we will have the best year  our school has ever seen.  We will have a minimum of five dances; homecoming, winter formal, valentines day, spring fling and an end of the year dance.  I will bring chips and chocolate bars back to the vending machines and I will lower the price of cafeteria food.  Last but certainly not least we will have a minimum of one mental health day for all of the students each month.  Vote for me and vote for a better school!

This fake student council election speech makes a lot of empty promises that appeal to the reader even though the candidate will probably not be able to fulfill the promises.



 5)Transfer:  Transfer propaganda suggests positive qualities  that are associated with a product.  These qualities can be looks, feelings, ideas, etc.
  This commercial suggests that the product can make everyone feel beautiful no matter what they look like or what race they are.



 6)Testimonial:  Testimonial propaganda uses a famous person such as a celebrity to endorse a product.
  Many people may be drawn to this product because the advertisement suggests that a popular celebrity uses the product so it must be good.


 7)Repetition:  Repetition propaganda uses specific words, phrases or product names over and over again.
  This commercial is very repetitive and obnoxious.  Although this can be seen as a bad thing it is very helpful when it comes to making a consumer remember the name.
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